This article is SMS (scientific, medical and spiritual) and will require patience and an analytical mind to be understood in its context. There are so many triangles in nature and in the human body; some are dangerous triangles but some more dangerous than others. I will be talking about the spiritual Bermuda triangle.
The word “Bermuda” is a word that creates fear and awe in the minds of scholars whenever it is heard, because of its exclusive association with casualty and mortality (death). For us to understand the spiritual Bermuda triangle we need to first understand the natural Bermuda triangle and the human Bermuda triangle. So we have 3 Bermuda triangles namely: the natural Bermuda triangle, the human Bermuda triangle, and the spiritual Bermuda triangle. These are the 3 most dangerous triangles in human existence. They pose the greatest threat to human existence and are all potentially lethal. No one travels through these triangles and comes back the same without injuries or a sad story to tell. Firstly, let us consider the natural Bermuda triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared in what are said to be circumstances that fall beyond the boundaries of human error or acts of nature. It has for years been associated with the disappearance of people, aircrafts and sea vessels.
The Bermuda triangle lies over the Straits of Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean east to the Azores, and the Gulf of Mexico. The widely accepted but controversial points of the triangle include Miami, Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the mid Atlantic island of Bermuda.
The number of aircrafts that have crashed and ships that have submerged or disappeared cannot be accurately ascertained. But available data of ascertainable recorded incidences showed that a total of over 131 ships and aircrafts have crashed, submerged or disappeared in this triangle.
Scientists have not been able to explain clearly the mystery behind these disappearances. Many are even afraid of making an inquest into the mystery and no one wants to visit the Bermuda triangle as some scientists have lost their lives to the Bermuda triangle. However some of these disappearances have been attributed to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, natural magnetic variation in compass, human error, violent weather; or activity by extraterrestrial beings by popular culture.
Some of these accidents include; September 13, 1864, the ship “Mari Celeste” sinks. 1909, September 18, George Taulane JR A schooner vanished off the coast of Georgia with 7 persons. 1910, March 15, U.S.S. NINA – US Navy Steam Tug Boat was the first steamship on record to vanish in the triangle. 1910, March 26 Charles W. Parker – A steamship that disappeared east of the southern Jersey coast with 17 persons. 1918, March 17 U.S.S. Cyclops found off Barbados, 306 members crew disappeared. This is one of the classic Bermuda Triangle disappearances. 1920, April 18 William O’Brien – Wooden steamship, new 3143 tons, going from New York to Rotterdam. 1931, June Curtiss Robin monoplane – An aircraft disappeared off Palm Beach, Florida with 2 persons. December 5, 1945, the famed US flight 19 disappeared. 1948, December 28 DC-3A airplane – Known as “The Holiday Plane” this twin engine plane disappeared within 50 miles south of Miami, Florida. 1963, August 28 KC-135, 2 airplanes – Two airplanes lost to possible mid-air collision. 1996, January 17, American airlines inc airbus A300 – Hit by heavy turbulence over the Bahamas. 1999, April 15, Miss Fernandina – An 85 foot shrimp trawler lost off Flagler Beach, Florida. 1999, July 8 Continental airlines Boeing 737-800 – Forced to make emergency landing in Bermuda due to turbulence. 2001, March 26 Comair Flight 5054 – Ice damage on the flight from Nassau to Orlando, Florida. These are just a few of the several planes, ships and submarines missing or abandoned within a triangular geographical region on the Atlantic Ocean.
Today this area is considered by some pilots and sailors as a “no go area”. How true is the ” truth ” about the Bermuda triangle is a subject of scientific discuss and beyond the context of this article. But borrowing a leverage from the above. There is an equivalence of this triangle in the human face- the human Bermuda triangle.
The face is a very important part of the human body and it serves for beauty, expression, communication and identification. Placing the Earth’s geography besides mans anatomy; we have a human correlate of the natural Bermuda triangle; the triangular area from the upper lip to the bridge of the nose-considered as the danger triangle of the face or the human Bermuda triangle.
This is because infections in this triangular area shown above can travel through blood vessels of the face to the brain causing infection of the brain leading to death. The facial vein makes clinically important connections with the cavernous sinus (a sinus of the Dura mater on each side of the sella turcica and pituitary gland in the brain). The facial vein connects with the cavernous sinus through the superior ophthalmic vein, inferior ophthalmic vein and deep facial vein. Because of these connections, an infection of the face may spread to the cavernous sinus and pterygoid venous plexus leading to cavernous sinus thrombosis, consequent acute meningitis and death. These infections may result from squeezing acne (pimples) hence it is medically advised not to pinch pimples especially within this triangle. Infections and swellings in this region are hence treated aggressively with intravenous drugs in a bid to prevent this possible lethal complication. Next time you have a pimple or boil on your face, remember that some triangles are more dangerous than others.
Having considered the first 2 triangles, I believe you now understand how dangerous these triangles are- they are simply “no go areas”. There is however a 3rd Bermuda triangle called the spiritual Bermuda triangle. The spiritual Bermuda triangle is a triangle with a similar lethal efficacy and maiming potential with no one travelling through without wounds and a sad story to tell.
A triangle has 3sides- the hypotenuse (longest), the opposite and the adjacent. The spiritual Bermuda triangle is a triangle whose hypotenuse is sexual immorality (premarital sex), its adjacent is adultery and the opposite is the paraphilias.
Sexual immorality (premarital sex) and adultery are common terms. The paraphilias are disorders of sexual preference or abnormal sexual behaviours other than the normal copulation involving the penis and the vagina of two adults. They include lesbianism, masturbation, gay, voyeurism, paedophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, frotteurism, necrophilia, zoophilia, coprophilia, partialism etc. These are all abnormal and evil in the sight of God and associated with the highest level of addictions. Any body found in any of these is in the spiritual Bermuda triangle and is an endangered specie.
The spiritual Bermuda though attractive is indeed a venom. It is worse than the other two triangles treated above. This is because it not only has a lethal potency but has the ability to incapacitate a man or a woman even while he/she lives, making a great life to be spent in perpetual tears and fears. It is the greatest enemy to significance and destiny. Samson was born great, anointed by God but died in the hands of those meant to be under his subjection, because of transient cherishing moments of pleasure in the hands of his “beloved” Delilah. Samson lost his dream, destiny, his life, future and eternity because he was carried away by the attractive nature of the spiritual Bermuda. If you want to be truly happy in this life you must make up your mind against all odds to live outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle, for as long as you are in this triangle, tears are inevitable.
There is nothing immorality gives but transient pleasure but its consequences extend to generations. Sexual immorality, adultery and the paraphilias provoke Gods anger upon man. It is the sin that made God to regret creating man (Genesis chapter 6). God destroyed the world during the time of Noah because of immorality. He also destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of immorality. Sexual immorality is the greatest destroyer of relationships and the foundation of lack of trust. It is the bedrock of marital catastrophes. When you see a couple who does not trust each other and whose home is in perpetual crisis, ask them how they started as individuals and as couples with regard to the use of their sexuality. Life is a choice, if you want temporal pleasure to place your life, your relationship, your future, your dream, your destiny, your joy and eternal hope all in jeopardy, it is your choice. It erodes confidence. Don’t be deceived by fake preachers, the sexually immoral shall not enter the kingdom of God.
Sexual immorality is worse than leprosy, what it has done to the lives of youths is worse than what death does to a man, and that is why it is the spiritual Bermuda. It has shattered destinies, humbled giants, confused nobles and crippled dreams. It is the only sin that repentance is not enough to be free from; and this is because it is more spiritual than physical. It involves the spirit, soul and body. It is a blood covenant and involves exchange of evil spirits. For every one you commit an immorality with, you establish a blood covenant, this will be better understood by stating a brief physiology of the male and female sexual act and the role of blood in making these possible.
Without blood there can be no successful sexual intercourse. It is the expansion (dilatation) of blood vessels and massive inflow of blood into the penis and clitoris that causes erection of these two organs making sexual intercourse a reality. This in synergy (or in combination) with a regulated interplay with the autonomic nervous system causes erection, orgasm, ejaculation and resolution. To strengthen this, no woman can successfully have sex without the shedding of the blood of defloration. This is originally meant to seal the blood covenant of marriage and that is why there are so many divorces today. It is this blood covenant involved in every sexual intercourse that causes a form of obsession and compulsion or irresistible drive or inclination to anyone, one has had a carnal knowledge of. It is similar to giving your password to someone such that the person has access to your documents with or without your consent or permission. It creates the soul tie. This is why so many people want to quit a sexual relationship but it seems impossible. It takes more than repentance; you must destroy all those covenants and evil foundations in the place of prayer not forgetting discipline and proximity rules as stated below.
In addition sexual immorality involves exchange of spirits and demons as mentioned above. Hence if you have a canal affair with someone who is possessed, you will have a transfer of the demons he or she carries. This is why I pity those who sleep with prostitutes or rich occult men. This is what is responsible for the astronomical (or sudden high) change in the behavior/character of someone who is newly sexually immoral. Some calm people have turned into beasts, gentle people into murderers, disciplined people into nude actors and lovely people into violent beings because of exchange of spirits during sexual intercourse with people who possess such spirits. It is unfortunate that this article is too small to elucidate all these. Sexual immorality is indeed a spiritual Bermuda! If you have not travelled through this triangle, then don’t attempt to do so for there is more in it than you can see or feel. If you are already in this triangle, then you need to come out as a matter of urgency. Until you decide to come out and live a sexually moral life, you have decided to live in tears, as there is nothing in the spiritual Bermuda triangle than obvious and incubated tears. You can’t live in this triangle and remain your normal self without wounds. Every sexual immorality subtracts something from you. Jesus is that way forward as by strength shall no man prevail.
Firstly; you need to recognize that you are in the wrong place. If you think this is another exhibition of madness, then your journey to deliverance is far. You need to resolve to live a new life as mere decision is not enough. You must be ready to hate immorality and see its worthlessness. The best way to do this is to examine your life and list what it has cost you or stands to cost you. One single sex stands you at the risk of getting possessed with demons, been infected with HIV/AIDS, syphilis, human papiloma virus (for cervical cancer), Gonorrhea, trichomonas vaginalis etc. Not forgetting the chances of getting pregnant as a lady leading to unsafe abortion and its consequences such as pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine synechia, uterine perforation, infertility, haemorrhage, shock, renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulability (DIC), post abortal sepsis and death just to mention but a few. When it comes to living a sexually moral life or outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle, discipline is the greatest key. The place of discipline and proximity rules is absolutely indispensable in living outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle. You must disassociate yourself from anybody, situation, environment that favours sexual immorality. You have to learn to be complete and happy without others though this is not a subscription for loneliness.
If you must live outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle, you must first believe that you can. And I tell you that no matter how far you have gone, you can still live outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle. That is why Jesus died for you on the cross of Calvary. The Bible said that Jesus was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil. Sexual immorality is a work of the devil and Jesus is available to destroy it. On the cross of Calvary He was rejected by God when He carried your sin and He cried out “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani (my God, my God, why have you forsaken me). He was rejected because of your sin, because of that immorality. And finally He exclaimed “it is finished”. Jesus has paid the price of your sin on the cross of Calvary. To live outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle, you must accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour as you die to sin and self. You must mortify your members and destroy every evil foundation that you have established for yourself. You must destroy all satanic covenants that you have established knowingly and unknowingly and uproot every evil seed that have been planted in your life. Study the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your actions. If you are in this triangle you need to do all these today. There is no need postponing the day of battle for indeed you have a battle to fight. It is not too late to make up your mind and resolve to live a sexually faithful life walking outside the spiritual Bermuda triangle. God loves you, and He Has not given up on you; He is interested in you and is determined to change your life. Jesus is calling you, accept Him where you are and tell Him to help you destroy all the evil covenants and foundations speaking against your life. Beware of these 3 triangles for some triangles are more dangerous than others. God bless you.
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I tried my luck on this casino website and won a considerable sum of money. However, afterward, my mother fell seriously sick, and I needed to take out some money from my wallet. Unfortunately, I encountered difficulties and was unable to finalize the cashout. Tragically, my mom passed away due to the online casino. I urgently plead for your assistance in bringing attention to this concern with the platform. Please assist me to find justice, to ensure others won’t have to experience the pain I’m facing today, and avert them from facing similar heartache. 😭😭
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I participated on this casino website and earned a considerable pile of money. However, later on, my mom fell critically sick, and I needed to cash out some money from my account. Unfortunately, I encountered difficulties and was unable to complete the withdrawal. Tragically, my mother died due to such online casino. I earnestly ask for your help in bringing attention to this situation with the site. Please help me in seeking justice, to ensure others won’t have to endure the pain I’m facing today, and avert them from experiencing similar heartache. 😭😭
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