Proper preparation prevents poor performance is a popular saying used in everyday conversation, in secular gatherings and churches. To prevent poor performance, we are frequently admonished, and sometimes reprimanded to prepare properly.<a class="moretag" href="https://www.echoesofmercy.org.ng/2019/12/14/are-you-prepared/">Read More...</a>
By : admin | Dec 14, 2019

Attractive Venom

Life in its fullness is a series of experiences, many of which are good and some others evil. Life is not a linear equation but a paradox and an irony. Many a<a class="moretag" href="https://www.echoesofmercy.org.ng/2019/12/14/attractive-venom-3/">Read More...</a>
By : admin | Dec 14, 2019

Future events.

Medical outreaches School visitsHospital evangelismVisits to prison, motherless baby homes and Remand homes
By : admin | Dec 6, 2019

How has it been?

Socrates, a Greek philosopher said “An unexamined life is not worth living”. As humans, we don’t have all the time in the world to live and even while we live, every second<a class="moretag" href="https://www.echoesofmercy.org.ng/2019/12/05/how-has-it-been/">Read More...</a>
By : admin | Dec 5, 2019

Across The Bridge

As I ponder on life, I came to the realization that everyone both men and women have had to cry or shed tears at one point or the other in their lives.<a class="moretag" href="https://www.echoesofmercy.org.ng/2019/12/04/across-the-bridge/">Read More...</a>
By : admin | Dec 4, 2019
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